York Family History Society Newsletter

The new look Newsletter, which is replacing the Journal, will be issued, in March, June, September and December.  Four editions a year rather than three.

It aims to inform members about developments in the family history world and to reflect their research interests, giving the family names with which they have connections with a view to linking in with other members’ researches. Family stories and findings are welcome in as great a variety as possible, particularly illustrated with photographs or copies of documents.

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic the June 2020 Journal has been produced as a Newsletter.  Click here to open it as a pdf

The October 2020 Newsletter is here:  October 2020 Newsletter (1212 downloads )

The February 2021 Newsletter is here: February 2021 Newsletter minus AGM pages (1215 downloads )

The full version of an Interesting York Quaker Wedding in 1919 can be read here:  An Interesting York Quaker Wedding in 1919 (706 downloads )

A Research Room update shows new additions to holdings, events are given due notice, monthly speakers listed and reported together with news of projects in progress so that members may be aware of the Society’s aims and achievements.

For a number of years an index of the previous year’s Journal has been included as a flyer with the first journal of the year. This index will in future be published on the Society website and members wishing for a printed copy should contact the Research Room. The cost of back journals to a UK address is £1.00 per issue, plus p&p. For overseas orders, a single copy is £3.50 plus p&p. For cost of multiple copies to be sent overseas please contact the Membership Secretary.


Chapman County Codes can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.11 2010 can be downloaded here.



The Index to Vol.12 2011 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.13 2012 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.15 2014 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.16 2015 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.17 2016 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.18 2017 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.19 2018 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.20 2019 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.21 2020 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.22 2021 can be downloaded here.

The Index to Vol.23 2022 can be downloaded here.

Some of these are in Microsoft Word Document format. If you do not have Microsoft Word, a free Word Viewer can be downloaded. Alternatively, download a free compatible office suite from either OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Other files are in pdf format. A reader may be present on your computer. If not, it can be downloaded free from www.adobe.com